Did you know that the best way to save money on your weekly grocery bill and reduce stress around meal time is meal planning? There are many benefits to meal planning and it isn’t as hard as you think.
What type of meal planner are you? There are two types, those who know what they’re eating for their next meal and those who open the fridge and figure it out on the spot. If you are the type to wing it, meal planning may seem a needless or difficult task. Finding time to sit down and write out a menu plan for the week, make a list, go out and get the ingredients and then the actual meal prep can seem like a lot.
The reality is that meal planning will save you time and money, help with weight management and is good for your overall health. Let’s find out how you can make meal planning work for you!
Saves You Time and Money
When you go to the grocery store without a list you will spend more money. The reason is you are more likely to overbuy which leads to food waste. How many times have you gone through your fridge the night before trash day and thrown out wilted fresh produce, questionable meat or leftovers? Did you know that it is estimated that 32% of food is wasted in the average household? That’s a substantial portion of your income! Meal planning can also save you time and money by helping you avoid takeout food when you’re in a time crunch and you don’t have time to run out to buy ingredients.
Helps with Weight Management
It is well documented that making your own meals helps with weight management. A recent study showed participants in a 40-week weight loss program who frequently planned their meals lost significantly more weight than those who did not. Meal planning gives you greater control over the ingredients you use allowing you to choose healthy fresh produce. You also have a greater sense of portion control and how much you consume. When eating out you often have extra sodium, fat and sugar whereas when you cook at home there are no hidden ingredients.
Makes You More Successful with Your Health Goals
Having a plan, no matter what your goals, always makes you more successful. Fail to plan, plan to fail ! Meal planning goes beyond helping you enjoy healthy weeknight meals, it sets you up for success when you may otherwise get tripped up. If a meeting runs late, sports go into the evening or you get stuck in traffic, having healthy foods prepped in the fridge or with you on-the-go gets you one step closer to sticking with your goals. Meal planning is associated with a healthier and more varied diet.
Reduces Stress
Meal time can feel stressful if you don’t know what you have on hand to prepare or you are missing ingredients at the last minute to make a healthy meal. There can be added stress if you have people in your household that are counting on you to make healthy meals. Planning ahead reduces stress when you have the family rolling in asking what’s for dinner.
Want to Get Started but Not Sure Where to Begin?
Join the EnergyGlow Team by subscribing to our newsletter to get tips and ideas for meal planning. Are you ready to start weekly meal planning with customized meal plans including a weekly planner, grocery list and recipes for the week to help keep you on track with healthy eating, reduce stress around meal times and enjoy family mealtimes? Contact EnergyGlow today to get start. We will provide you with customized weekly meal plans and teach you how to meal plan with our easy to use tools. Get started today!